Amazing Polly

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Amazing Polly

Amazing Polly


I talk about pharmacists, The Wellness Company’s harassment campaign, Gemma O’Doherty and the new trend of powerful entities claiming to be victims of intimidation as well as the general public’s unwillingness to fight the battles that they can actually win! Thanks for listening, please go to for more content or to contribute to my work & life! Thanks so much & God bless.

Amazing Polly TWC O'Doherty DARVO Victim Journalism Society News

I'm going to disappear for a while and don't want anyone to worry. I have to look after my health and home at the moment and the negativity/distraction of social media has to go during this process. Love you all!

I present some of the biggest RED FLAGS I see when I look into The Wellness Company and their ever expanding network of affiliates. *** I have no sponsors and take no advertiser money. Click here if you can support my work: THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! ***

#narrative #network #coulson #lopez #prince

Who owns the platforms where we think we have free speech? I get into the Venture Capitalists who are buying up social media and reveal how they plan to translate that into creating an entirely new world system of control. To support my work please click here:

#biotech #transhumanism #digital #greatreset #thiel #X #WEF #Agenda2030 #Narrative #socialmedia #VC

I’ve been hard at work! Here’s an update with some background on the craziness and a peek at what I’m hoping to bring you soon. Thank you to everyone who is watching, sharing and commenting! Can you offer a gift of support? If so, click here:
I cover Elon Musk's Narrative Champions who are running interference for his most sinister technologies and talk about "health dissidents" including the Wellness Company.

Chat replay begins at about 8 minutes in. To send a financial donation:
Posting Full Video with Live Chat Playback so you can follow along and witness the level of dishonesty and manipulation at play. The second half is worse than the first. Foster Coulson of The Wellness Company avoids questions and attacks me and other researchers in a threatening and juvenile way. I may make a video or audio commentary on this in the coming days.

As the WEF and WHO drum up fear of “Disease X” there is a new set of narrative gatekeepers assembling a phony Dream Team of ‘covid dissidents.’ The trouble is most of them supported all the mandates! To support my work please go here: THANK YOU! Reference video below:
Bakersfield doctors press conference:

#AmazingPolly #corona #DiseaseX #Weinstein #Campbell #lockdown #masks

Remember all these doctors sounding the alarm in 2020!? Why are there suddenly new Narrative Gatekeepers who pushed lockdowns and masks but who now want to claim that they are somehow the leaders of the 'covid dissident dream team'. They make me sick! They ignore every doctor who came out early and risked it all to tell the truth! Many more docs and researchers came forward, so please see Full Video “Honest Experts are Trying to Warn You”

To support my work, please visit my website:

A short rant about the latest controversy. Check out my web site here:

Bemoaning the Totalitarian Technological State - what will become of those who can't use smartphones? And what is the fate of those who can't stop? My website:

#tech #feudalism #CBDC #DigitalID #QR #Medical #Tyranny #SocialCredit #Carbon #Footprint

I discuss 3 Taboos that all interlink – 1 Franco Supremacy in Quebec (with clips to show how insane it is.) 2 Recalling childhood abuse. 3 White, English, healthy people asserting their rights. SUPPORT MY WORK HERE: *Thank you and God bless each of you! I appreciate you being here, sharing the videos, commenting, and sending gifts to keep me going!
#Quebec #Nationalism #Discrimination #DEI #Replacement #Torture #Ethnic #Cleansing

I'm not telling this story for pity, I'm telling it because it is hidden and whitewashed history! I firmly believe that in order to heal our society we must bring this shameful truth to the surface and deal with it properly. To support my work please go here: *thank you!* The rhetoric around Israel/Palestine, the treatment of Covid-dissidents, and the treatment of the English in Quebec are all examples of dehumanization and cold-blooded discrimination.

Talking heads conjure up ideas. Who funds them? Is a cult involved? I look at a study about the power of suggestion & more. SUPPORT MY WEBSITE here: ***thank you*** and God bless.
#peterson #shapiro #israel #jewish #christian #endtimes #fakenews #psychology #bentkey #boreing #shillman

Audiocast talking about Canada's multiple international embarrassments like inviting a Waffen SS member to Parliament and more. When will this end? To contribute to this channel, please click here:

#Polly #Amazing #Globalism #Trudeau #Freeland

Trap them in their own talking points. Let me explain how.
Thank you to all of you who support my work! If anyone would like to send a gift, please go here:

#amazingpolly #gender #ideology #culturewar #parents #Rights #CRT #SOGI

Is Elon Musk serious about taking on the ADL? If so he's poking a lot of hornet's nests including the Global Mafia. Support my work? If you can please go here. Thanks!
Next Generation Corruption Growing Up Deep State:
Anti-Corruption is the New Corruption:

#ADL #Musk #amazingpolly #jewish #censorship #mafia #globalism #crimes #epstein #zelensky #vindman #impeachment #Ukraine #defamation #cabal #twitter #X #kolomoisky

I discuss the practice of lying to fit in, sometimes called Ketman. My website is here: please visit! Thank you & God bless.
#amazingpolly #social #psychology #totalitarianism #tyranny #integrity #Vlog #article

Now is a time of overwhelming mind games. Are you feeling the pressure? I talk about hanging on to what is real and remaining strong under psychological duress. Can you send a gift of support? Here's my website:
Thank you and God bless you all!

#amazingpolly #psyops #tate #ukraine #socialmedia #conditioning #fakenews #economy

An expert on the “Intersection of Social Media and Public Health” gave a seminar in 2018 exposing the way she and her colleagues use social media to manipulate people into getting vaccines, etc. Support Polly St. George here:
SAMHSA seminar video: Using Social Media to Create Behavior Change
Dr. Shiva video exposing the Election Influence Operations Playbook for State and Local Officials:

#amazingpolly #publichealth #manipulation #bigtech

I read and comment on your answers to my question “Can you define ‘woke’ in two paragraphs or less?” Thank you for the many hundreds of thought provoking replies! To support my work, please go here:

#Culture #war #woke #socialjustice #exclusion #amazingpolly #Christians #Mao #brainwashing #society #corporations #injustice

Try to describe what ‘woke’ is to people who will reject emotional language and who don’t know anything about history and philosophers like Marx. Keep it short. To support this channel: Thank you and God bless the best audience on the internet!

They’re building a system that will make slaves of us all. I go over 3 topics that demand attention. To support this channel & see the videos mentioned today:
Really Graceful: Every homeowner should listen to this:

Truthstream: Why we need to talk about CBDCs:

Louis Rossman: Home as a Service?:

Polly: The So-Called Independent Alternative Media:

Jordan Peterson’s ARC is for Billionaires:

Jordan Peterson’s WEF Dreams:

#DigitalCurrency #GreatReset #AmazingPolly #Agenda2030 #RealEstate #Twitter #CBDC #WEF #BigTech #Banking #Apps #SmartHome

What’s my take on the Sound of Freedom movie? Polly St. George web site for more or to support: (thank you!) In this off-the-cuff audio I summarize just some red flags based on my prior research. (LINKS BELOW) Also see this video:
Branson/Zelensky Orphan ‘Rescue’ “Celebrity Frontmen for Global Trafficking”

Harley Pasternak / Kanye VIDEO:

Clintons Haiti Trafficking Laura Silsby:

Way Fair Questions – Showing MANY proven elite pedophile rings

SMOLLETT Chicago Child Trafficking:

NXIVM and the Clintons:

PIZZAGATE and the Podestas, Media Matter and more:

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific:

Child Predation Services of Arizona:

#AmazingPolly #Clintons #Haiti #McCain #Epstein #Pasternak #SaveTheChildren #SOF #Cartels #Mormons #Arizona #NXIVM

How is the New (ab)Normal impacting the different generations? What will the newest generation grow up to be if they never know freedom and are stewed in lies? Can you support this channel or do you want to see a collection of stories/videos from around the net? Click here:
Thank you all and God bless each one of you.

#society #totalitarianism #Culture #Vlog #AmazingPolly

On Noise. I review my “Thought Experiment” comments, play clips about the health effects of noise and of course, add in my perspective. My website is here: Please Visit? You’ll find articles & videos from many sources as well as contact info. God bless you all and thank you for being here.
#Noise #Health #AmazingPolly #Science #Environment #Diabetes #BloodPressure #Agenda2030 #Stress


Created 7 years, 4 months ago.

498 videos

Category Entertainment

Political commentary, philosophy, psychology, research, deep state, medical mafia, technocracy, globalism, New World Order.
Canada and US mostly.
My website is There you can find ways to contact and/or support my work.
Thanks for being here!