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Narcissists will go out of their way to destroy you the more you refuse to bend to their will. Stand your ground, keep calm, have witnesses, record everything, and fight back within the perimeters of the law. You are not the bad guy but they will try to paint you as such.

Since I made this video she has replied with 'I'm listening to How You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson', which means: This is between me and him. It's our business so butt out!

I responded with 'I'm listening to The Devil's Price by Poor Man's Poison', which means: If you refuse to listen you will crumble into a pit of despair of your own making.

Mind games suck but if you understand them you can choose to avoid them easier or you can take part and make a fool twist in the wind. Your choice.

I forgot to put it in the video but when I was discussing female instincts and holding resentments: The reason why I believe we do it is because it is programmed into our DNA to always remember moments of discomfort (whether physical or emotional) in order to avoid scenarios like that in the future. If more women understood that they could then focus their reasonable minds towards getting over the emotional attachment to the memory.

Take two of uploading this to Bitchute.

Please don't forget to keep your hands and feet inside the flaming roller coaster to hell at all times. Hold off ingesting Twinkies until we have reached our destination. When you arrive the double tap will be key. Thank you for riding on clown world express. Have a nice day.

Feminists. You did this. Have you ever considered maybe apologizing to the men instead of doubling down?

Just a friendly reminder the feminist movement was installed by elitist creeps to break apart the family unit. Once men are pushed out the way then the women become vulnerable targets. Once the women are pushed out the way, children become completely defenseless. When women double down on bad behavior instead of admitting their wrongs they are merely dooming the next generation to worse lives than the ones we adults live now.

Women! Please remember our children are the most important thing in this world. They are more important that you are. Their lives are worth more than yours.

Men! Try your best to forgive us female folk for the devastation generations of us have caused through selfishness. Not because we need your forgiveness but because the children need your protection.

To all I bid good day.

It was only a matter of time. The evil in this world isn't going to stop until we stop them! Their goal is to distort anything truly beautiful and innocent. Miss Rachel should be ashamed of herself and everyone should boycott her faster than Budlight!

I finally have a moment to post, so here's a random thought. Please share yours below.
I know the clip of Trudy at the end is a bit off topic but first of all I would disagree with that as Convid is just the same as Polio and The Spanish Flu. Same reoccurring patterns. Also I just really needed to hear a politician be honest and this is as close as I'm going to get so...

Also I was going to say it in the video but I was distracted so: I find it interesting that every fall of an empire in the past was always contained pretty much to that region. Now a days it seems like the fall of an empire is happening in every western country at the same time.


Someone had to say it.

Men wouldn't be looking for women in other countries if western women were worth having. On average we are not. On average western women are selfish, childish, narcissistic, parasites that are often destructive forces to those closest to them. I don't think it was always that way. There was once a time when we respected our men before we forgot what respect meant.

Be appreciative for what you have, because it was men who helped build and provide it for you! Do something nice for the men in your life to show them how much you care. Show them gratitude, it will go much further than you might think.

I'm proud of you for your efforts in this world. Thank you for all you do to keep society running and stay strong. Not all women hate you. There are some of us who understand we need you and truly love and value your existence. Your life is not just necessary for society to exist. It is the very backbone of a strong society. We cannot exist without you!

People are on edge, at least from my perspective. The world is full of angrier people and I suspect it is simply a symptom of a larger problem that possibly leads to zombie apocalypse. This video was a bit of a rant but I really don't like pedophiles and truly believe our laws need to change. I believe pedophiles should get the death penalty. YOU DON'T FUCK KIDS! PERIOD! If the laws cannot be changed then we should all sit down and calmly consider our options.

I know I said my next upload was going to be a Zombie Or Not but I still haven't had the time to work on putting a video together. I did find this though and I think we shouldn't be afraid to point out facts that are pertinent to the conversation. Comment below.

I found this video here:

The chaos continues...

George Carlin was brilliant

I don't normally use much mainstream music for this preferring to use content from conspiracy theorist creators, however I was feeling a bit nostalgic today and I feel like these songs are still relevant to the great reset movie we are living in. If you think there are any songs that should be included in the Great reset soundtrack please comment below. I hope you enjoy.

The creators can be found here:
I had never heard that choir before I discovered them here:

Don't be intimidated by large names or main stream media bullshit.

It seems like we are living in a B-grade sci-fi horror movie and every movie has a sountrack. Enjoy.

Artists can be found here:
The last video I don't know who made it or what they were singing about but I like the animation and music. I found that vid here:

If there are any songs you think should be in the great reset soundtrack please leave a comment below.

So far from my observations it seems like the zombie apocalypse is happening as we speak but in slow motion. Some key signatures of zombie-ism include nudity, irrational/aggressive behavior, biting, chasing cars, and not going down after being shot multiple times. There are symptoms before you see the disease. Hope you found this entertaining and informative. Please comment below, Thank you.

It seems that every country now a days has been infiltrated by some kind of enemy force. Many suggest with rather compelling evidence that UN soldiers are being brought into western countries under the guise of immigration and refugees. The world is a stage and we are all prisoners on it.

If you would like to see a couple more clips that are suggestive of spies running control centers through hotels watch this video next:

Leave a comment below.

Sorry about the background noise, hope you find this somewhat informative, hope this makes you ask some questions you may not have asked before, hope you do your research. The Gaza Strip is what I think 15 minute cities will look like in the future. Please comment below.

Every movie has a soundtrack and we are stuck in a long ass movie so the soundtrack continues, enjoy.

These are the links to the artists:
I don't know who did Mad World in french but it's beautiful and if anyone does know who created this please comment below.

Feel free to comment on the chaos, we are all going through this bullshit together and now would be a good time to vent.

Is the zombie apocalypse tomorrow? Maybe... Probably not. Lets stay hopeful it's just another day.

The woke nonsense is incredibly frustrating but should not take priority in our concerns.

Have you noticed personality changes in people? Are the zombies here? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

Some what the hell kind of clips.

The world has gone mad and we are currently living in a b grade sci-fi horror movie. Every movie has a soundtrack.

If there are any creators of artists that you think should be in The Great Reset Soundtrack please leave a comment below.


Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

141 videos

Category None

I talk about damn near everything. The world is going to shit and I just can't help but point that out.