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Sunflower (Italian: I girasoli) is a 1970 drama film directed by Vittorio De Sica. Audio in Italian with English subtitles.

An international co-production of Italy, France, the Soviet Union and the United States. Henry Mancini's soundtrack was nominated for an Oscar.

The film tells the story of an Italian woman leading a desperate search for her husband, a soldier considered missing in action in Russia during World War II.

Cast & Characters:
Sophia Loren as Giovanna
Marcello Mastroianni as Antonio
Lyudmila Savelyeva as Masha (Maria)
Galina Andreyeva as Valentina, Soviet official
Anna Carena as Antonio's mother
Germano Longo as Ettore
Nadya Serednichenko as Woman in sunflower fields
Glauco Onorato as Returning soldier
Silvano Tranquilli as Italian worker in Russia
Marisa Traversi as Prostitute
Gunars Cilinskis as Russian Ministry Official
Carlo Ponti, Jr. as Giovanna's baby
Pippo Starnazza as Italian official
Dino Peretti
Giorgio Basso

Episode 15 (Season Finale): To finance the building of a new steam ship James floats a public company pounds worth of shares on the market. However, he is tricked by Callon, who, using other nominees to buy them for him, ends up as the majority share holder and virtual owner of the now depleted Onedin Line, as, to add to James' concerns, Baines, now made up to captain, has lost the 'Pampero' in a storm at Cape Horn. Anne reminds him that he still has the 'Charlotte Rhodes'.

Episode 14: James is delivering a cargo to the Southern states of America but the Civil War is raging and the North are blockading ports. With him are Anne, who dislikes the idea of helping slave-owning states to profit, and Albert. A nervous pilot is not keen to run the blockade so James decides to run it himself. He is captured by Captain Ferguson, a Northern captain but fortunately for him Ferguson has a great enthusiasm for steam-ships, and, impressed by Albert's plans for a new steam vessel, the 'Golden Nugget', not only allows James to go about his business but defects to join Albert.

Episode 15:

Episoe 13: Robert lets slip to Albert about the paternity of Elizabeth's child and Callon appoints Daniel a marine supervisor. James is taking emigrants to Canada, including the Stirlings, relatives of Robert's wife Sarah, who, as family members of the Onedins, travel for free. On the voyage out the Stirlings are found to have smallpox and the husband dies. James falsifies the log, allowing the ship to carry on without having to face quarantine restrictions and loss of money. Anne is not pleased.

Episode 14:

Episode 12: James has taken emigrants to Australia where he hopes to make enough money to buy off the Pampero by bringing home a cargo of wool, but the sheep-farmers have all left to join the gold rush. He agrees to ferry a load of 'lost souls' from Papua to Victoria for McPherson, a parson, but discovers the parson is actually a slave trader intent on taking the group to the West Indies. After the Papuans have set fire to the 'parson' James returns them to their homes.

Episode 13:

Episode 11: It appears that a mutiny has occurred on a ship James chartered but the crew explain that there was no mutiny, the captain had gone mad and they were taking the ship over in order to act for the best. James discovers that Kirkwood is indeed mad, a religious zealot, claiming people are out to kill him. He eventually hangs himself after trying to sink the ship and James makes sure that the crew are all acquitted of any mutiny charges.

Episode 12:

Episode 10: Callon proposes Robert buy another shop from him but Albert points out this would put Robert in Callon's behest and finances another premises. James is charged to take a mysterious passenger to Italy, who turns out to be the revolutionary Garibaldi. Attempts are made by enemies posing as crew members to kill Garibaldi but he shoots them, using his new, six-shooter revolver and is safely delivered.

Episode 11:

Episode 9: A ship James chartered from Callon has been badly damaged but insurance under-writer Chubb will not pay out because it was carrying gunpowder and thus negates the insurance terms. After unsuccessfully trying to compromise Chubb with light lady Kate, James steals back the 'Charlotte Rhodes' from Callon, who has confiscated it as surety. In revenge Callon confiscates Robert's shop, planning to build a dock on its site.

Episode 10:

Episode 8: Michael Adams, an old flame of Anne, visits and James takes him on his next voyage, to Cape Verde to collect coal. Anne travels with them. Michael explains that he has been an outlaw for four years following a death on board ship for which he was suspected of being the killer. George Bethell, a crew member, tells Michael that he is in the clear because the death was logged as being an accident. Albert is too taken up with his new scheme to design steam-ships for a living to listen to Elizabeth when she tries to explain that the baby she is carrying is Daniel's.

Episode 9:

Episode 7: With a beetle destroying Portuguses vineyards, Senor Braganza asks James to import new vines from Brazil. He sets sail in the 'Pampero', a ship bought by Braganza, who is now his partner for a five year tenure. Worried by the presence of a bullying passenger Dom Vasco, James detours to Baltimore where he strikes a deal with a railroad boss but loses several crew when they decide to join the railroad gangs. He returns to Portugal with his vines having transferred Vasco to another ship.

Episode 8:

Episode 6: With James and Robert now aware of Elizabeth's condition, they insist that she reconcile with Mr. Fogarty and marry him without delay. Immediately after Fogarty's return from a sea voyage, they inform him of the situation and he agrees to marry her. Elizabeth has her own ideas however. James faces ruin when the Charlotte Rhodes is abandoned by her crew some six miles from shore due to weather conditions and a fire in the forward hold. Mr. Callon sends his son Edmund on their fastest ship to claim her for salvage. James is desperate - he didn't insure the vessel for this trip - and asks Albert Frazer if his steam-powered ship could get there first. No one is sure what will happen but off they set in what most sailors are calling a teapot.

Episode 7:

Episode 5: James Onedin is in a battle with his former employer and main competitor, Mr. Callan, to keep what few clients he has. Callon has put the squeeze on Mr. Watson, who recently consigned a small shipment to Onedin, telling him they will refuse to carry his trade to India unless they get 100% of his business. Callan's son Edmund begins to set his eye on what few assets James has managed to acquire. When Mr. Baines fails to return from a visit to his sister, James knows it has to be Callan's handy work. With Mr. Fogarty away, Elizabeth is at her wits end and Anne thinks she knows what the problem is. Albert Frazer inherits a house and invites not only James and Anne but also Elizabeth, who is the prime reason for extending the invitation.

Episode 6:

Episode 4: With more barrels than he has room for James needs a warehouse to store them and finds one owned by the widowed Mrs. Arkwright who wants six hundred and fifty pounds for it so that she can return to France and buy a house there. Callon attempts to gazump James but Mrs. Arkwright agrees to sell to James on condition that he takes her to France for free. A rag and bone dealer Ada Gamble is also using the warehouse but is persuaded to leave when it is discovered that she fences stolen property. Robert's wife Sarah gives birth and Anne and James move into the warehouse on the discovery that Webster has mortgaged his house.

Episode 5:

Episode 3: Elizabeth is engaged to Fogarty, who is soon to be made a ship's captain but she is still interested in Albert Frazer. Callon floods James with a load of Braganza's empty wine casks which he is obliged by contract to take but has no room for them. Albert comes to his rescue by offering to store the casks for him and James begins to see that Albert would be a far more profitable brother-in-law than Daniel.

Episode 4:

Episode 2: On the return trip from Portugal James teaches Anne the rudiments of navigation. This comes in useful when James and several other crew members become seriously ill, due to rotten meat provided by Robert and which Anne throws overboard. Despite superstitious views that a woman on board brings bad luck, Anne works with the illiterate sailing master Captain Baines to read the charts and brings the ship safely home to Liverpool, where Robert is made to compensate the sick crew and Anne agrees to teach Baines literacy. Elizabeth is torn between two suitors, young sailor Daniel Fogarty and the dandified shipyard owner's son Albert Frazer.

Episode 3:

The Onedin Line is a BBC television drama series that ran from 1971 to 1980. The series was created by Cyril Abraham.

The series is set in Liverpool from 1860 to 1886 and covers the rise of a fictional shipping company, the Onedin Line, named after its owner captain James Onedin. Around this, it depicts the lives of his family, most notably his brother and partner Robert, a ship chandler, and his sister Elizabeth, giving insight into the lifestyle and customs at the time, not only at sea, but also ashore (mostly lower- and upper-middle-class). The series also illustrates some of the changes in business and shipping, such as from wooden to steel ships and from sailing ships to steamships. It shows the role that ships played in such matters as international politics, uprisings and the slave trade.

Series creator Cyril Abraham had originally envisaged The Onedin Line as being about a modern shipping company with its boardroom battles and seagoing adventures, but then he discovered that almost all such companies were run by boards of anonymous executives. However, he noticed that most of these companies had their origins in the 19th century, mostly started by one shrewd and far-sighted individual who, through his own business acumen, built up a shipping line from nothing. Abraham stated that James Onedin was not based on one individual but was rather an amalgamation of several characters. Suggested real-life inspirations include Victorian era shipping line owner James Baines & Co. of Liverpool (a leading character in the series was named 'Captain Baines'), Sir Samuel Cunard and various members of the Allan Line family.

Among the historic ships and boats featured in the series was the steam pinnace Hero, then owned and lent by John Player & Sons.

The music behind the opening credits of the series is an excerpt from the Adagio of Spartacus and Phrygia from the ballet Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian. Other background music includes excerpts from Ralph Vaughan Williams's Symphony No. 2 'London', Symphony No. 5 and Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis, Manuel de Falla's The Three-Cornered Hat, Gustav Holst's Fugal Overture, Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 2 and Dmitri Shostakovich's Symphony No. 1 and Jean Sibelius's Tapiola, symphonic poem for orchestra.

Traditional music, including folk songs and sea shanties in particular, are heard in abundance throughout the series, including such songs as "The Maid of Amsterdam", "Ruben Ranzo", "South Australia", "Maggie May", "The Sailor's Hornpipe", "Botany Bay", "Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes", "A Hundred Years Ago", "Blow the Man Down", and "On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at".

Episode 1: In Liverpool in 1860 sailor James Onedin, working for the hard-nosed shipping owner Callon, is desperate to gain a ship of his own and finally acquires the 'Charlotte Rhodes' from drunken old Captain Webster in exchange for marrying the captain's daughter, unglamorous but spirited Anne. He makes his mark when he beats Callon in a race to secure a contract with the Portuguese wine exporter Braganza. His brother Robert and wife Sarah run a chandler's shop, assisted by discontented and frivolous younger sister Elizabeth.

Episode 2:

Episode 10 (Season Finale): Sarah Lund and Ulrick Strange return from Afghanistan with new, conclusive evidence, while Brix and his team are looking at what appears to be an important finding in the investigation.

Episode 9: Sarah Lund and Ulrick Strange are in Afghanistan on a mission to track down the killer. Pressing on with the investigation back home, Brix decides to conduct a search at the army barracks.

Episode 10:

Episode 8: Raben is in intensive care after having been shot by Strange. He still insists that Strange is the murdering officer, Perk. Under interrogation, Strange admits to having been in Afghanistan.

Episode 9:

Episode 7: Sarah has found the chaplain, who's wounded and she pursues the perpetrator. But she's attacked by him and barely survives. Meanwhile, Raben is still on the run, but Special Branch is watching him.

Episode 8:

Episode 6: Against Strange's advice, Sarah arranges to exhume Per Moller. She's convinced there's no body in the coffin, because he's been sighted three months after his death. But the coffin isn't empty.

Episode 7:

Episode 5: Sarah Lund and Strange travel to Sweden to question and protect the only other surviving member of Raben's former army squad. But Raben himself is on the same mission.

Episode 7:

Episode 4: Gruner is found dead, bound to his wheelchair. Now there are only two members of the squad left, Raben and Lisbeth Thomsen, whose whereabouts are unknown.

Episode 5:

Episode 3: Ex-soldier Raben is on the run and he looks up a former army chaplain who gets him in contact with yet another ex-soldier, Kruger. They meet, but Kruger wants nothing to do with the past.

Episode 4:

Episode 2: Sarah Lund finds a connection between the murdered woman and Raben's soldier friend, Allan Myg Poulsen. Meanwhile, Raben runs amok when he learns that his application for release has been rejected.

Episode 3:


Created 6 months ago.

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