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Dr. Lee Seward, Lead Research Vet, discusses the benefits of Petandim for dogs and how Protandim Nrf2 technology can help reduce oxidative stress at the cellular levels in animals.

Oxidative stress in dogs contributes to:
• Shorter lifespan
• Higher metabolic rate
• Higher exposure to "lifestyle" and environmental factors
- Diet
- Exercise oxidation
- Toxic chemicals and radiation
• Age related oxidative stress similar to humans
- Cognitive disfunction
- Mobility loss / joint disfunction

Watch to discover how the same health benefits Protandim Nrf2 for humans can now be shared with our four legged friends, with Petandim for dogs.

Petandim is the pet nutrigenomic "formulation" of the major human health "blood-test" PROVEN discovery from the University of Colorado called Protandim in cellular Nrf2 pathway activation.

Just like Protandim, Petandim activates a pet's cellular Nrf2 pathway PROVEN to decrease cellular oxidative stress and its negative effects in the body AND remember DOGS oxygenate 7 times faster than humans!

For more info and to buy Petandim, go here:

For more information on Protandim for humans, go here:

Try Protandim Nrf2 for:

➤ Anti-Aging
➤ General Wellness
➤ Immune Health
➤ Energy
➤ Gut Health
➤ Weight Management
➤ Pet Health

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Try our products risk-free. You can return your order within 30 days of purchase for any reason.

Order Protandim Nrf2 now, risk-free at - select your country flag in the top left.

Joel Coughlan is a Clinical Naturopath and Nutritionist.
Watch his extensive, expert review of Protandim Nrf2.

Joel talks to Grainne Fletcher on the benefits of Protandim Nrf2 in reducing oxidative stress and shares his blood results after only 30 days of taking Protandim – the results will blow you away!

Joel’s passion for in-house clinical testing started after witnessing his first ever encounter of live blood analysis (watching someone’s blood moving across a TV screen).
Within a matter of months, he was a graduated Naturopath and being trained in live blood analysis.

Joel was introduced to Protandim Nrf2 by Grainne Fletcher and was so impressed with the results he was witnessing in Grainne’s health and bloodwork, he decided to start taking Protandim himself.

Joel and Grainne discuss Joel’s background, the benefits that both of them have experienced with Protandim Nrf2, and Joel shares images of his bloodwork on day one of taking the product compared to 30 days on the product – the reduction of oxidative stress is incredible.

If you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.

Dr Alice Reed has been in medicine for over 21 years.
She was introduced to Protandim Nrf2, and after studying up on the product, tried it out herself and soon realised its benefits first hand - she is now a strong advocate for Protandim Nrf2 and she shares her (and her client's) experiences on the product and the benefits you can expect when you start taking this breakthrough product!

Try Protandim Nrf2 for:

➤ Anti-Aging
➤ General Wellness
➤ Immune Health
➤ Energy
➤ Gut Health
➤ Weight Management
➤ Pet Health

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Try our products risk-free. You can return your order within 30 days of purchase for any reason.

Order Protandim Nrf2 now, risk-free at - select your country flag in the top left.


Dr. Joe McCord, former Chief Science Officer and the scientist behind Protandim®, was always interested in how things work. When he was a child, he got a chemistry set for Christmas—and the rest is history!

He planned to become a chemical engineer, but in his junior year of college he became interested in biochemistry. A professor encouraged and directed him to graduate studies in biochemistry, and while at Duke University, as a 21-year-old graduate student, he "stumbled onto something very, very important that directed the rest of (his) career."

Click here to learn more about Protandim®:

He remembers April 3, 1968: going home, sitting down and realizing that 10 years of observations could fit into a logical, rational framework. It was a poignant moment. Soon after, he designed an experiment to test it.

Regarding that moment in the lab when he made his world-renowned discovery he said, "Science doesn't usually work from a scientist saying 'I have a grandiose idea' and the scientist setting about to prove it. Rather, it's years of stumbling around, making observations and trying to piece together facts, sharing what is learned, and sooner or later, it becomes meaningful."

Dr. McCord's doctoral dissertation was the discovery of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), an enzyme that eliminates free radicals. About co-discovering SOD with Dr. Irwin Fridovich in his 20s he said, "Youth is sometimes underestimated." For that work, Dr. McCord received the Elliott Cresson Medal, the highest award given by the Franklin Institute.

Dr. McCord received a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Rhodes College and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Duke University. He served as a junior faculty member at Duke University's Department of Medicine; as a professor and chairman of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of South Alabama and its College of Medicine; and as a Professor of Medicine, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Immunity at the University of Colorado at Denver.

He serves as the head of the Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Webb-Waring Institute; was a member of the LifeVantage Corporation Board of Directors from 2006–2012; served as LifeVantage Director of Science on the LifeVantage Scientific Advisory Board from 2004-2007; and served as Chief Science Officer from 2011 to 2012.

Dr. McCord has published articles in numerous scientific journals, including the New England Journal of Medicine. He received the Discovery Award from the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine (SFRBM). He received a lifetime achievement award from the Oxygen Society for outstanding contributions to the field of free radical biology and medicine.

If you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.

Our Top Scientist, Dr Brian Dixon, explains the most innovative and differentiated product on the market - PROTANDIM NRF2 Synergizer.

This is The Protandim Story.

This is worth watching!

For more info or if you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.

Protandim is a supplement that activates the Nrf2 pathway, combating oxidative stress.

Oxidative stress, generated through the process of living life (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising), is inevitable for everyone.

Protandim significantly reduces oxidative stress through Nrf2 activation and has been scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days.

When activated, Nrf2 enters the nucleus of a cell and up-regulates "survival genes," genes that enable cells to survive in the face of stress from free radicals and other oxidants, and down-regulates other genes that help the body function at an optimal level.

LifeVantage has the solution to reduce oxidative stress: Protandim, the Nrf2 Synergizer, the most important dietary supplement of our time.

Comprised of natural plant ingredients, Protandim is a patented, science-based, research-backed formula that has been tested and validated by renowned universities and institutions.

Protandim activates Nrf2, which communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they're already designed to do: up-regulate "survival genes," genes that enable cells to survive in the face of stress from free radicals and other oxidants, and down-regulates other genes that promote inflammation and fibrosis to help the body function at an optimal level.

If you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.

Aging, the sun, the air, even sleeping — life takes its toll.

Protandim Nrf2, a patented formula, supplements what daily living takes out.

Free Radicals, generated through the process of living life (eating, sleeping, breathing, exercising), are inevitable for everyone.

Comprised of natural plant ingredients - Ashwagandha, Turmeric, Bacopa, Green Tea and Milk Thistle.

In this synergistic formula it is 1800% more effective than taking each ingredient independently - That is synergy.

Dr. Gail Pearson explains the science behind Protandim® Nrf2 Synergizer™ and the amazing benefits of this breakthrough product.

You would need to eat 500 cups of broccoli in one day to get enough Sulforaphane to rival Protandim as an Nrf2 Activator.
This quantitive comparison of Protandim to Sulforaphane (and Dimethylfumarate and Bardoxolone-Me) demonstrates:

Protandim Nrf2 has been scientifically proven to reduce Oxidative Stress in only 30 days and increasing Glutathione levels by 300% in 120 days!

Protandim Nrf2 is used for:

➤ Anti-Aging
➤ General Wellness
➤ Immune Health
➤ Energy
➤ Gut Health
➤ Weight Management
➤ Pet Health

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Try our products risk-free. You can return your order within 30 days of purchase for any reason.

Order Protandim Nrf2 now, risk-free at - select your country flag in the top left.

By the end of this short video, you'll find out how to increase your body's own production of glutathione, by 300 percent!

Results of a new peer-reviewed study published on-line in the journal, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, clearly demonstrates that the synergistic impact of the active ingredients used in the formulation of the antioxidant Protandim, dramatically increases the body's production of glutathione, a key antioxidant and anti-aging factor, as well as important antioxidant enzymes!

Protandim, a patented product developed by LifeVantage, was proven by an earlier study, to actually slow the progressive rate of aging.

This new study confirms, that the product's gene induction approach to antioxidant therapy, provides much broader and more powerful benefits to the body, than those provided by vitamins such as, E and C, according to the company.

Joe McCord, a co-author of the report, commented:
"the results of this study may change how we view aging and the factors that impact healthy aging.
Notably, glutathione, which is of particular interest to many disease researchers, was increased, more than 300% with Protandim.

Glutathione plays a key role in the immune system, and when glutathione levels drop, a person's ability to fight disease, also decreases.

In addition to the findings on glutathione, the study also shows that Protandim delivers an antioxidant benefit to the body, that exceeds those provided by vitamin E and vitamin C."

In this video Dr Darin Leetun - Orthopaedic Surgen, talks discusses the benefits of Protandim NRF2 Synergizer and how it's ability to increase the body's own production of Glutathione by 300% has major positive implications for degenerative diseases.

For more information on Protandim, or to purchase this breakthrough product, visit

Subscribe to this channel now, to stay up to date and informed on these groundbreaking, biohacking products.

Watch this Protandim ABC Special - Primetime Investigative Report on Protandim Nrf2.

Protandim is the only scientifically validated product proven to reduce oxidative stress in all mammals by at least 40% in 30 days. Protandim has been validated on, The National Institute of Health and US Library of Medicine. There is over 89,000 studies currently on that links oxidative stress to 100+ disease conditions. Protandim is the only supplement proven by top Universities like Harvard Medical, The American Heart Association, VCU, Colorado State and 20+ other Universities and research facilities around the world!

For more info or if you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.

Find out how you can increase your own levels of Glutathione by 300% - totally naturally!!
Do it for your health - Do it for your immunity!

Protandim Nrf2 has been scientifically proven to reduce Oxidative Stress by 40% in only 30 days and increasing Glutathione levels by 300% in 120 days!

Protandim Nrf2 is used for:

➤ Anti-Aging
➤ General Wellness
➤ Immune Health
➤ Energy
➤ Gut Health
➤ Weight Management
➤ Pet Health

30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Try our products risk-free. You can return your order within 30 days of purchase for any reason.

Order Protandim Nrf2 now, risk-free at - select your country flag in the top left.

*Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

10 videos

Category Health & Medical

Protandim Nrf2 is the only scientifically validated product proven to reduce oxidative stress in all mammals by at least 40% in 30 days.

Protandim has been validated on, The National Institute of Health and US Library of Medicine.
There is over 89,000 studies currently on that links oxidative stress to 100+ disease conditions.
Protandim is the only supplement proven by top Universities like Harvard Medical, The American Heart Association, VCU, Colorado State and 20+ other Universities and research facilities around the world!

For more info or if you wish to order these ground breaking scientific products, please go to and select your country flag in the top left.