A Universal Philosophy

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A Universal Philosophy



As we remember those who have died, listen to words read that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said about passing on or dying.

And hear the account in the Bible of how our Creator made the heavens, the earth, and all that is in it. As He made man in "our likeness, of our kind," God entrusted man and woman to rule over it.

"For our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead."

Perhaps you will find a better understanding of Jesus' teaching to the learned scholar, that you must be born again to see the kingdom of Heaven (in John, chapter 3).

The service is given at a church to God of the Association of Universal Philosophy, where all faiths are welcome.

Please join us – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

As we remember those who have died, listen to words read that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said about passing on or dying.

And hear the account in the Bible of how our Creator made the heavens, the earth, and all that is in it. As He made man in "our likeness, of our kind," God entrusted man and woman to rule over it.

"For our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead."

Perhaps you will find a better understanding of Jesus' teaching to the learned scholar, that you must be born again to see the kingdom of Heaven (in John, chapter 3).

The service is given at a church to God of the Association of Universal Philosophy, where all faiths are welcome.

Please join us – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

A service at the AUP church to God on Israel-Iran conflict and averting world War 3.

(Turn up your volume when the minister talks.)

Prophecies are shared in a church service on the Israel-Iran conflict and the possibility of WW3. Also how can it be averted?

(You may want to turn up your volume when the minister starts.)

We joyously remember the resurrection of Jesus in this Easter service, Sunday, March 31, 2024. What does John, chapter 20, tell us? What do spiritual messengers of God say today?

Please join us – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

Remember, Jesus asked Peter, "Do you love me?"
"Yes, Lord, you know that I love you."
"Then feed my sheep."

We joyously remember the resurrection of Jesus in this Easter service, March 31, 2024. What does John, chapter 20, tell us? What do spiritual messengers of God say today?

Please join us –

For now is the battle of the minds of men. Remember, your greatest work is to reunite all your religions unto one –– and by doing so, not to change a man's faith, but so that thy and that man should respect each other's religion and your worship of God in such a way that each of you may enter our Father's many mansions in his own way –– but your love for your fellow man shall be such that, even though he enters our Father's kingdom in a different way from yours, you should help him to enter. Therefore, you shall put him above the ladder, above yourself, and by doing so, you should climb tenfold. (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, September 10, 1970)


On March 25-26, fifty-four years ago, a brilliant heavenly light passed over the Earth. As it did, spiritual messengers whom God sent arrived.

A man who died was also given back life and a gift. He didn't know what the gift was. Yet he was asked to give it freely to others in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return.

One with more love in his eyes than anyone he ever seen gave him this gift.

Was this one Christ, who had asked the Father 2,000 years before, at his last Passover supper to send the Spirit of truth, and said he is coming back?

In John 14:15-18, Jesus said: “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. Then I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever—the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot accept, because it does not see him or know him. But you know him, because he resides with you and will be in you.

“I will not abandon you as orphans, I will come to you. In a little while the world will not see me any longer, but you will see me; because I live, you will live too."

John 15: 26-28: "When the Advocate comes, whom I will send you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me, and you also will testify, because you have been with me from the beginning."

John 16:7-11: "I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I am going away. For if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you, but if I go, I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will prove the world wrong concerning sin and righteousness and judgment— concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because I am going to the Father and you will see me no longer; and concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been condemned."

The timing of March 25, 1970, is in God's timing. Today many are calling out to God, for we need this Helper more than ever before.

The spiritual messengers of God say today, "We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. Open your door that we may enter, and therefore there can be a place prepared within you, each of you, for his coming. But from a mother's womb, so shall he be born." (December 29, 1972, spiritual messengers of God, Aka.)

Read about this – https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/we-give-this-message-from-our-father-ac23667c51ac

Join with spiritual messengers of God whom "one with more love in his eyes than anyone" asked the Father to send to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah (See John 14:15-28, https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/...)

See how you can join at https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup


Learn about this at https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a.

See Christmas posts from angels at https://www.facebook.com/AUniversalPhilosophy and receive gifts from angels.

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays!

Listen to messages by angels, who "have come to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah" on Earth today. Watch "The Birth of the Messiah" playlist at https://www.youtube.com/user/AUniversalPhilosophy.

Read “What Did You Come Out to See?” to better understand, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a

And read many more of the angels' messages at https://www.facebook.com/AUniversalPhilosophy/.
They are giving gifts to you also.

Merry Christmas! Happy holidays!

#shorts #shortsvideo #short #shortsfeed #shortsviral

Let angels bring you good news that will be of great joy to all the people in "The Birth and Coming of the Messiah" playlist on BitChute at https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/haLoEG5zbwKa/
or at https://www.youtube.com/AUniversalPhilosophy.
(Click to hear their messages at Christmas.)

They're authentic! Read “What Did You Come Out to See?” to better understand, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a

And read more of the angels' messages at https://www.facebook.com/AUniversalPhilosophy/.
They are giving gifts for you as well.

Would you like to join in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association they asked to be formed? See https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

"Sing choirs of angels, sing in exultation...."

Merry Christmas!

Listen to angels tell this Christmas parable to you on December 8, 1978. This video is produced as a gift to you and to the angels who prepare a way for the Messiah.

They ask that we "give their words wings and let them go unto the world." You can watch more parables that the angels tell on the playlist, Parables, on this channel.

Read more parables about advent, Christmas, and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah today in a collection of transcribed messages from spiritual messengers of God, spoken from 1970 to 1989 called, "Good Tidings of Great Joy, which will be to all people" Today. See https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B081F481XB?pf_rd_p=183f5289-9dc0-416f-942e-e8f213ef368b&pf_rd_r=VFZAB67DC18PSBM7J476

Would you like to join in association with the angels? Join the Association of Universal Philosophy that the angels asked us to form – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

Learn more about this gift one who asked our Father to send to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah sends. See articles in "A Stairway to Heaven" – https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven

Listen to Christmas messages by angels
in "The Birth or Coming of the Messiah" playlist at https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/haLoEG5zbwKa/
or at https://www.youtube.com/AUniversalPhilosophy.

Listen to Christmas messages by angels
at "The Birth of the Messiah" playlist at https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/haLoEG5zbwKa/
or at https://www.youtube.com/AUniversalPhilosophy.

They're authentic! Read “What Did You Come Out to See?” to better understand, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a

Read more of the angels' messages at https://www.facebook.com/AUniversalPhilosophy/. They are giving gifts for you as well.

Merry Christmas!

Listen to Christmas messages by angels at "The Birth or Coming of the Messiah" playlist, https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/haLoEG5zbwKa/
or watch "The Birth of the Messiah" playlist at https://www.youtube.com/AUniversalPhilosophy.

They're authentic! Read “What Did You Come Out to See?” to better understand, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a

Read more of the angels' messages at https://www.facebook.com/AUniversalPhilosophy/. They are giving gifts for you as well.

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.
For as the Seven Spirits gathered upon your earth, therefore, in the creation of the same, and as they came from God, our Father, they looked upon each [parcel] of land, that that they had laid upon the earth and the firment [firmament, atmosphere] of the same.

They looked upon this land you call, your American, and each said to the other, “What gift should we give unto them?”

Each had a different answer, and therefore, they said unto themselves, “Let us go unto our Father for the answer.”


They stood aside, each asking unto the other, “What is the greater plant of love?”

Yet, again they could not decide. And they therefore went back unto their Father and said, “Oh God, we need of Thy knowledge, for we cannot decide the greater plant of love, for so much love has been planted into this of Thy earth, this planet Thy should call of earth.”


And so, as the time had passed, and many civilizations did come and fall, and the land did shift and change, and those of the Atlantans went forth into the land of Egyptan, and those came forth into the land of the American. And then came forth those of the White race. And therefore, the Red race handed unto the White race their gift of love, the love that should fill their stomachs and one day fill their warehouses that they should live. And as each race has come forward this same gift has been handed from hand to hand.

Yet the mightiest hand of all did give it unto you. It was given as a Father would give unto his children of all things he possesses, and the dearest ..

Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

For as the Seven Spirits gathered upon your earth, therefore, in the creation of the same, and as they came from God, our Father, they looked upon each [parcel] of land, that that they had laid upon the earth and the firment [firmament, atmosphere] of the same.

They looked upon this land you call, your American, and each said to the other, “What gift should we give unto them?”

Each had a different answer, and therefore, they said unto themselves, “Let us go unto our Father for the answer.”


They stood aside, each asking unto the other, “What is the greater plant of love?”

Yet, again they could not decide. And they therefore went back unto their Father and said, “Oh God, we need of Thy knowledge, for we cannot decide the greater plant of love, for so much love has been planted into this of Thy earth, this planet Thy should call of earth.”


And so, as the time had passed, and many civilizations did come and fall, and the land did shift and change, and those of the Atlantans went forth into the land of Egyptan, and those came forth into the land of the American. And then came forth those of the White race. And therefore, the Red race handed unto the White race their gift of love, the love that should fill their stomachs and one day fill their warehouses that they should live. And as each race has come forward this same gift has been handed from hand to hand.

Yet the mightiest hand of all did give it unto you. It was given as a Father would give unto his children of all things he possesses, and the dearest things to his heart, for our Father should wish that the greatest gift upon the earth should be that of love, one unto another, and that His children and their children’s children should learn to live in harmony and peace upon the earth. He knew, therefore, that the day would come that this land of yours would bring forth unto all races from all proportions of the earth.

And so it has been.

We say unto you, as He brought forth this one thy know as Jesus, and as he walked your land of the Americans, he also brought forth the gift of love from our Father. Yet in both places he walked, man has forgotten that unto which he would speak.

We say unto you, our Father wants not the blood of the Lamb. He cares not for idols built unto Him, or unto yourselves. He cares for His children. Give that unto God that should belong to God. Give that unto your brothers and sisters that should belong unto them. But just as important, give that unto yourself that should belong unto yourself. And in all ways, the body, the spirit, the soul, and the immortal body should therefore come unto one and know in fullness the love our Father has shed His tears upon your earth. (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, April 18, 1974)

[This parable is from Angel Messages – Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074CCL9SN?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tukntukn.

Read it and hundreds more given by angels.

Please join us – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup ]

On November 16, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, told this parable about the American Thanksgiving.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For each season, as the Seven Spirits of God created the earth -- and they created the fowl of the air. And one said unto another, “In the bleak full months of the winter we must place something there to remind man that spring should come.” And each came forth with a different thought.

And yet, one looked forth upon the earth and said, “There, unto this one, the cardinal -- it shall come forth in the winter and its color shall bring forth the warmth in men’s hearts. And its tone of voice shall be mellow and merry. And in this manner, they shall know that the Lord has forgotten them not. And therefore, they shall find pleasure in the time when the earth should sleep.”

And then came forth the time when the persecuted of the world came forth upon the new continent, this one you should call the Americans.

And they set aside a day of thanksgiving unto the Lord. And they set aside a time at each meal that prayer should be given up unto the Lord for thanks for the bountiful food that should be placed before them.
And they gave thanks unto the Lord and praise unto the Lord. And the Lord looked down upon them and said, “FOR THIS NATION SHALL BE UNDER THE LORD, FOR IT SHOULD BECOME THE NEW ISRAEL OF ALL THE LANDS.”

And so the nation rose in strength.
Yet in their far memory they had seen the Eagle’s flight, and the promise -- that when the Eagle flew would be the promise of the coming of the Messiah. And therefore, they did make this the symbol of their land.

Yet, in the winter time, the Eagle came forth, for is it not written, give praise unto the Lord, that the time of the Seventh Angel should not come in the winter time. [See Matthew 24:15-23.]

But we say unto you, the Fifth Seal has been opened and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. [See The Revelation 6:9-11.]

We should hand you a cardinal of hope. Grasp it up into your hearts and mind[s] to know that the Lord shall bring forth the spring of your lives.

For in all things there is a proper time for everything. There is a time to plant the garden, and a time to weed the garden. And there is a time to harvest the garden, and a time to till the soil once again, a time to store that which you have harvested.
You have brought forth the book without wings. Many doorways shall open and close before you. And as rain drops upon the desert it shall spread and until it covereth the land. And some shall say many things, but none shall find fault within the thought.

We should give unto thee the cardinal [over] this day.

Please join us in the Association the spiritual messengers of God formed. See how – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

You can read their words now. There are so many more than we could put in videos for you. See https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074CCL

Questions? Email us at [email protected].

Learn about prophetic guidance from the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, in the 1970s. "Prepare for the time of the great famine." Also hear their prophecy on Israel shared in this November 12, 2023 service at a church to God. People of all faiths are welcome.

Learn of prophetic guidance from spiritual messengers of God spoken in the 1970s: "Prepare for the time of the great famine." Also hear about prophecy on Israel. Watch this November 12, 2023 service at a church to God. People of all faiths are welcome.

"For those who should seek our Father's house, and we should tell thee in this manner. Go unto a quiet place. And there, open thy heart and mind. And in the silence of thy mind, thy shall find a quiet pool. And as thy enter, there you shall find the throne of our Father. But you must enter this place with love. And if you do so, you shall find all the candles lit around you. And there shall burn a glorious light. Cast all things from thy mind, and let that part of you inter self listen unto your Father.
Go deeply, quietly, for it is not a mansion that you seek but your own soul. And if the soul should cleanse itself, in the quiet of the mind you shall find the kingdom of our Father.
But do not go from church to church, and seeking every door, for you shall find not what you seek, for it dwells within you evermore.
And we should tell you the parable of the Prince to come.
And he had bare to all riches beyond their wildest imagination. But he did not give just to one; he gave to all. And yet, there were some who wanted more than the others, and they stoned this Prince. And yet, he forgave them.
The Prince that shall come once again, as we have said before, shall be the Messiah. Yet, he awaits you now within the quiet place within you minds."
(Spoken by Aka, spiritual messengers of God, on March 16, 1973)

Would you like to join us? Lean more – https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup

Read many more words from 1970 to 1989 from the spiritual messengers of God, Aka – https://medium.com/the-words-of-aka-spiritual-messengers-of-god/in-a-stairway-to-heaven-what-do-spiritual-messengers-of-god-tell-us-61433d685244.

You may think of this as a strange parable, but think one moment within your hearts. If laughter rang from your Earth this one day, one moment, around the Earth, and laughter brought good feeling, and laughter brought health, and laughter brought love — for without the laughter there would be no hope.

And why is it that a man can laugh and cry at the same time? For it was God’s gift, the Laughing Spring within man’s eye.

You will long wonder, and say once again we have spoken to you unto riddles. Nay, we have not. We have brought unto you this day a gift that God gave man long ago. Bring forth your laughter. Make your world a joyous world. And the preparation for the coming of the Messiah shall come tenfold before you. (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, February 17, 1978)

Note: This parable and many others can be found in Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul – https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B074CCL9SN...

Please join us. Learn more – https://tinyurl.com/JoinAUP

"We say unto you, the parable we have told is like the love that comes from God. There is a bountiful amount to feed each soul, and each soul shall take from it, in their own way, their needs.

"The soul is like a cup; if you fill it to the brim it is full. If it is that which it needs, it needs no more, for there is room for other cups to be filled. Allow each person, in their own way, to believe in their God as they wish. If this is done, then in truth, the light and the love, and the rivers that carry the same, shall flow forever." (Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, October 26, 1984)

You can read this parable and many others that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke in Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul – https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B....

On June 29, 1974, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, tell a parable that could help us today.

Shall we be as the wild dog, biting his own tail and blaming others for his pain, so he bites it more fiercely? Others in the pack, hearing him howl, join in and fight each other.

Or shall we be as the wise coyotes who look on, who are at peace with each other and with their neighbors? The coyote does not attack to fight and seek revenge, for this only divides and conquers a group, and then it destroys.

This parable from spiritual messengers of God are to guide us in how we can bring peace to our world – and freedom to each individual, to one another, in our families, our homes, our neighborhoods, our work, communities, cities and to our countries.

They are wise words for us to hear.

You can read this and many more parables that the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke in the 5-book series, Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul at https://www.amazon.com/Angel-Messages-Parables-Thirsting-Awakening-ebook/dp/B0184TMM54?ref_=ast_author_dp

Join us – https://tinyurl.com/JoinAUP

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke March 14, 1980: "And we should say unto thee unto these words, the parable of the sun.

For there were three wise men who sat to deliberate the greatness of all things of God’s creations. And each would mention a different planet, until one mentioned the sun, a huge, as you would call it, hydrogen bomb, a planet burning into infinity.

And some said, “Is this a planet being born, or is this a planet dying, this star they call the Sun?”

And the wiser of all three said, “It is not where we use the name, son. We have used the name son unto our children, the male-born, as it has been used unto the one, of the Son of God.”

And they said into one another, “But how shall we know all of these things? What is the real truth of all of our deliberation? None of us has ever visited the moon, the sun, or any of these places. How should we really know of their existence?”

And then there stood among them a forth. He was neither young nor old. He was not dressed in rich attire, but that of a plain robe. And he said unto them, “I say unto you these words. For the day shall come, when as my Father, and in His knowing, that the stars shall be the stepping stones for man. And do you not think that my Father, out of all this vastness, only performed His miracle of life upon one of these planets? And that there is only one sun, as you would know it?”

These men thought, and they asked him, “But we speak of a star, and we speak of a man, and the sun that gave life unto man, and the man that gave life unto the son, and God that gave life unto all things.”

And he said, “How shall we know these things you speak are true?”

And he said unto them, “One day man shall walk forth into your galaxy and galaxies beyond galaxies. He shall walk into this universe and beyond. And as he reaches these far-away places they shall be as his home, for all things will be in order, and a sun, wherever life shall be found, so shall be a sun -- and a son that shall bear fruit unto his Father, and a son that shall bear fruit unto man and the Earth, and the planets and planets that shall bear the spirit and form of man...."

Read the written transcript of this parable and many more in Angels Tell Parables for Today: the 1980 parables or in Angel Messages: Parables of Wisdom for the Thirsting Soul (Volume 3) at amazon.com/author/assoc.universal.philosophy

Please join us in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association of Universal Philosophy they asked us to form. See https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

72 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

In a night so silent no one heard was a glorious coming!

On December 28, 1969, a South African astronomer observed a new light in the heavens. The comet was seen in February nearing the constellations Tucana, Gurus and Phoenix. March 25, 1970, it crossed the equator into the northern hemisphere into Pegasus; it passed over the Earth, drawing closest on March 26. And as this wondrous light passed over Globe (near Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona), spiritual messengers from God arrived.

One who had promised, who had more love in his eyes than Ray Elkins had ever seen, was even then giving this gift from the Father — as he was giving Ray back life.

Ray Elkins recalls what happened. In 1965, serious brain injury left Ray with terrible headaches; he would fall unconscious, his breathing undetected. One especially bad night, Ray woke, banged his fists on the wall and screamed, “God let me die, I can’t take this pain!”

Ray remembers, “No sooner had I finished my prayer than I found myself leaving my body. For the first time in years I felt no pain….

“I saw before me a great plane where there were many people standing. The crowd parted, making a path for me to approach one seated in their midst.

“All I can remember is his eyes. His eyes held a look of great compassion and greater love than I have ever seen in my life.
“He spoke no words, words were not needed.

“Then I felt him give me a gift. I had the choice to remain where I was or to return back to my body. If I returned to my body, I must give the gift to others in the same manner of love it was given to me — freely, asking nothing in return. Nothing would be changed. I would never gain anything from the gift. And I would even face ridicule because of it.

“I did not know what the gift was. I only knew that in those eyes I had found one whom I could trust as I had never trusted anyone in my life.”

For a long time, Ray still did not know what the gift was. But his seizures changed, and a voice began to speak through his unconscious body. When went back again to stand with God, again, his pain was gone.

With the brilliant light that passed over Earth, March 26, 1970, and shone in the east through April for all to see, spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through this unconscious man to the world. They spoke from a town appropriately named Globe. It was the Thursday when many were praying or reading Jesus farewell promise at his Last Passover Supper, written in John, chapters 13–17.

"We were sent from the one who asked our Father to send those who know Him best to prepare a way for his coming."

Their words were recorded speaking through the unconscious Ray from April 3, 1970 to August 30, 1989. That is what you will hear.

"We have come from those who should make their entry. We have come from those who did say unto our Father, 'Send those who know You best..." the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said later, December 29, 1972.

"For those who are wise to hear, let them hear. For those who are wise to see let them see.

"We have come but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah."

Read how their words were recorded, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven/what-did-you-come-out-to-see-ec155154636a. Learn more, https://medium.com/a-stairway-to-heaven.

Soon after the spiritual messengers of God arrived in 1970, they asked that a church be formed – "Permanent records must be kept."

Ray Elkins lovingly told listeners in 1974, "This organization is designed, not as a religion; each of you here belong to you own religions, and this is as it should be. This is a philosophy."

You can join in association with the angels, in the Association of Universal Philosophy they formed. See https://aup589.wixsite.com/joinaup